Unsettled film


Co-written by Katrina Channells and Joe Hinchliffe, Unsettled is a noir mystery set in rural Queensland. Along with a talented crew, Director Katrina Channells, producer Jemma Douglas and Cinematographer Amy Dellar ventured to the small town of Theebine, QLD for a six day shoot. It was a big production for a short film but thanks to our talented crew we pulled it off despite the heat and the bushfires! The cinematography is stunning and we can’t wait to start editing. 

Cast and Crew

Film synopsis: “Something strange is afoot in the rural Queensland town of Theebine. Drought and fire ravage the land. Animals are behaving abnormally. Amid the heat and stress, dreams bleed into reality. As a young woman strives to bring her family farm back from the brink, a mysterious discovery will cause a rift between lovers, forcing one to take drastic action – from which there will be no going back.”

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