Education Services Australia, Respectful Relationships

Education Services Australia (ESA) works collaboratively in the interests of all Australian educators and provides digital teaching and learning resources. For the last few months we’ve been working alongside ESA to develop films that will help implement the important Respectful Relationships program.

“Respectful Relationships is about embedding a culture of respect and equality across our entire community, from our classrooms to staff-rooms, sporting fields, fetes and social events … Together, we can lead the way in saying yes to respect and equality, and creating genuine and lasting change” - Victorian State Government, Department of Education and Training

Schools play a crucial role in creating a culture of respect and equality and Respectful Relationships works to change harmful behaviours by actively engaging and promoting these cultures in the schoolyard and classroom. We’re excited to be working alongside such a worthwhile program and are pleased to be producing films that can encourage this change.

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